Freelance/self employment within the design industry

People in the Digital design industry working as a freelancer has increased five – fold in a year (dec 2010), which means the self employe now account for more than a quarter of the workforce.

This article reveals the pro’s and cons of freelance, basically outlining the amount of staff working in agencies is decreasing, freelancing is more likely to pay more, and as a creative  you can choose what you create. There is also the warning that a freelancer going into an agency to work can create or break agency reputations through word of mouth. Less loyalty than an agency staff member. So as you can see there are good points and bad points, but is working as a team in a creative agency environment deteriorating? This could be a very interesting topic to research further into.

When you work in an agency you have the comfort of opinions working as a team, obviously as a freelancer its all about self discipline and relying on your own intuition. Here are some examples of freelance work Roy Barber Doncaster.

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